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Class Piano
for all ages
Because new things are always easier when you try them with a friend!
Class Piano for Adults 


Unlike children, who are used to learning new things and simply accepting that they will be able to do them, adults have lots of self doubt.  Self doubt can hold us back from trying new things.  But adult piano class is not that way.  Adult piano class (Piano 101, Piano 102) is designed to help adults through the self doubt by giving them a strong peer network to advance with, confer with, commiserate with.  Each adult advances at his/her own pace.  We learn on separate instruments and use headphones so your in-class practice can be private.  But we do this in a group setting so you can learn from each other as well as from the teacher.  My classes are friendly, welcoming and fun.  Piano IS supposed to be fun!


Piano 101

An 8-week course for adult and teen beginners.

Includes basic music theory and technique.

Students are able to play a song with both hands and are introduced to chords by completion of the class.


Piano 102

An 8-week continuation for adults and teens with a little experience.

Students will be familiar with primary chords and the keys of C, F and G Major and D Minor by completion of the class.

Class Piano for Youth


Middle School and High School is a busy, often stressful time for students.  Things like team sports, band, show choir and everyday academics can really mess up devotion to a hobby or personal interest.  Class piano for youth is designed to introduce students to the basics of piano without requiring an enormous scheduling commitment or pressure.  We meet for one hour each week, try out new music and concepts, practice (in private, with headphones) and learn together a new hobby that provides stress relief and fun.  Like the adult classes, youth will benefit not only from the expertise of the teacher, but from fellow students.

Crash Course Piano

A 6-week course for youth ages 11-18

Includes basic music theory and technique.

Students are able to play a song with both hands and are introduced to chords by the completion of the class.

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